I've mentioned in my clumsiness post how I almost broke my arm from trying to learn roller blades by myself and cursed it for life.  But as I was walking in the park, I stumbled upon a skating center where you could hire roller skates/blades for an hour or so but I don’t know for how much, I didn't ask. 

I thought it would be a nice place to shoot even if there’s no professional in there, and they’re all kids and almost everyone was new to skating. 

I caught some fair skaters but they’re a little bit fast and they’re not doing some stunts.. just going around in circles.  But as I hang around more, I saw the newbies fall in front of me!  This is one of those times when I really wish that I have better camera because zooming with a digital camera makes the photos look terrible; pixelated and blurred and super slow in catching the action!  But I still was able to shoot some.

They’re all looking happy even if they've been falling on their asses and bumping on each other; makes me feel a little jealous because I cried and stopped trying when I fell.

happy to fall

happier to fall

must not fall

happy to fall

They kept skating and kept on falling, and I do think they knew I was there in the corner documenting their every fall.. and they let me.

After a few shots, I left them alone and went on.

skater girl

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